Kitchen Cleaning : How to Use Vinegar to Clean Coffee Pots
Clean Your Coffee Maker in 3 Easy Steps
How to Clean a Coffee Carafe
Luckily the best carafe cleaner can be found in most households in the form of baking soda. To clean the carafe, simply sprinkle baking soda on the stain.
Add a touch of water to form a paste with the baking soda and begin scrubbing the stain.
First, let's talk about hard water. Hard water has a higher mineral content (think: calcium, magnesium, and limestone) compared to soft water. These minerals can build up over time in your coffee maker, in your sink's sprayer, in your dishwasher, and more. It's not a big deal, but it can impact the taste of your coffee and block the holes in your fixtures and appliances. So when you descale something, you're simply removing that buildup.
How to descale your Senseo® Original Coffee pod machine | Philips | HD7833
What's in Espresso Machine Descaling Products and How to Make Your Own Descaler
Sitrik Asit (Citric Acid) (E 330); Organik, zayıf bir asit olan Sitrik Asit, renksiz ve kristal veya toz yapılıdır. Limon Asidi (Limon Tuzu) olarakta bilinir.
Evde çaydanlık gibi kireçlenebilecek malzemelerde kireç çözücü olarak kullanılır, 1 lt suya 50 gr eklenerek su kaynatılır, sonra durulanır.
Sterilizatörleri ve bebeklerin mama ısıtıcıları Sitrik Asit ile temizlenir (200 ml suya 10 gr (1 tatlı kaşığı) sitrik asit ekle ve kaynat)
Olive Oil
An excellent source of monounsaturated fats, olive oil is great drizzled onto toast, or used when roasting veggies. An unopened bottle will keep at room temperature for one year, and once it's been opened it will keep for six months.
How long does a package of dry macaroni last once opened? Properly stored, a package of dry macaroni will generally stay at best quality for about 3 years at room temperature
To further maximize the shelf life of dry macaroni once the package is opened, transfer dry macaroni to a covered airtight container or place the dry macaroni package in a resealable plastic freezer bag
Is dry macaroni safe to use after the "expiration" date on the package? Yes, provided it is properly stored and the package is undamaged - commercially packaged dry macaroni will typically carry a " Best By," "Best if Used By," "Best Before", or "Best When Used By" date but this is not a safety date, it is the manufacturer's estimate of how long the dry macaroni will remain at peak quality.
Long story short, yes. The first thing to know is that it will remain good long past its "best by" or "better if used by" date that can be found on the original container.
Regular flour tends to last 6-8 months past its printed date, while whole wheat flour is typically only best for an extra 4-6 months.
Too long after its "best by" date, flour will begin to smell. This it the time to part ways and toss your flour.
The good news is that spices don’t spoil in such a way that will make you sick, but they can lose their flavor.
Different spice sellers offer different timelines for shelf life. Spice Island gives ground spices 2 to 3 years and whole spices 3 to 4 years. However, the best way to know if the spices on your shelf are still good is by color and smell. If either has faded, it may not be worth cooking.
The shelf life of your spices isn’t dependent on whether they’re unopened or unopened, but that they’re fully sealed after each use. As for seasoning blends, simply follow the two to three years guideline to ensure you take advantage of peak freshness.
the official answer to does salt expire or does salt go bad is... No, it does not expire
To maximize the shelf life of canned or packaged tomato paste after opening, refrigerate in covered glass or plastic container.
Is canned tomato paste safe to use after the "expiration" date on the package? Yes, provided it has been stored properly, the package is undamaged, and there are no signs of spoilage (see below) - commercially packaged tomato paste will typically carry a "Best By," "Best if Used By," "Best Before", or "Best When Used By" date but this is not a safety date, it is the manufacturer's estimate of how long the tomato paste will remain at peak quality.
Bunun yanı sıra, salçayı, cam kavanozda saklamanızda salçanın bozulmasını önler.
Salçayı cam kavanoza aktardıktan sonra üzerine bir miktar zeytinyağı dökün. Bu işlem salçanın bozulmasını ve küflenmesini önleyecektir.
alçanın uzun süre saklanması için buzdolabında korunması gerektiği bilgisi doğru değil. Salçanın küflenmesini engellemek istiyorsanız, kuru ve serin bir yerde,örneğin kilerde saklamanız gerekir.
Zeytinyağı buzdolabında donacaktır ve bu yüzden de salça hava almaz ve bozulmaz. Bu yöntemi aynı zamanda ev yapımı salçalar için de kullanabilirsiniz.
Soğuduktan sonra temiz kavanozlara konur ve buzdolabında saklanır.
An unopened container of ketchup can remain stored for up to two years past the printed expiration date.
Once the bottle is opened, it will last for another year in the refrigerator. If you’d rather keep your ketchup at room temperature, the shelf life for an opened bottle in your pantry is about a month, though you should check for signs of spoilage before consuming the ketchup.
Once the bottle is opened, ketchup should be refrigerated to maximize shelf life.
Kraft recommends that opened, refrigerated mayonnaise be discarded after 3 – 4 months (or 30 days after the expiration date if that comes sooner).
The precise answer depends to a large extent on storage conditions - keep opened mayonnaise refrigerated and tightly covered at all times.
How long does opened mayonnaise last in the refrigerator? Mayonnaise that has been continuously refrigerated will generally stay at best quality for about 2 to 3 months after the "Best By" date on the package.
Is opened mayonnaise safe to use after the "expiration date" on the package? Yes, provided it has been stored properly, the package is undamaged, and there are no signs of spoilage
How can you tell if mayonnaise is bad or spoiled? The best way is to smell and look at the mayonnaise: if mayonnaise develops an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, it should be discarded.