- Ali Bıyıklı kalem tipi kantaşı, % 100 doğal, kurutulmuş kristal bir mineraldir. İçerisinde bulunan antiseptik mineral tuzlar sayesinde tıraş sonrası yüzünüzde meydana gelebilecek kesik ve yaralanmaların kapanmasına yardımcı olur. Tıraşınız sonrası ıslak cildinize uygulayabilirsiniz.
- Dry the razor. Run a square of toilet paper between the scales of the handle to remove the droplets of moisture that are trapped there. (Most old razors are high carbon steel and will rust).
Rinse the brush, shake out the excess moisture, and hang it upside-down in a brush holder to dry.
- Created due to health concerns from professional barbers using the same razor on several men. These consist of 1/2 of a standard double-edged safety razor blade mounted in a clamping mechanism attached to a handle that allows the blade to rotate into the handle just like a straight razor. In a lot of areas, health laws require the blade to be discarded after each shave and a new one installed. Of course, in your own home, you can do as you wish. These are sort of like the best of both worlds between straight razors, and safety razors. They shave just like a straight razor, but you never have to strop or hone them, making the learning process a bit easier for newbies. A blade will usually last for 5-8 shaves. They are also more convenient when traveling, since you don’t have to find a place to hang a strop
- The Hone. When you look at a razor’s edge under a microscope, you’ll see that it’s composed of several points that resemble saw teeth
Honing a blade restores these teeth to their original condition.
Stropping your blade smooths the rough edges off your blade and sets those teeth in perfect alignment. This gives your straight razor that keen edge that makes shaving a breeze.
- Ali Bıyıklı cilt şapları, potasyum alüminyum sülfat denilen ve antiseptik özellikler içeren cilt dostu doğal kristal küplerdir. Tıraş sonrası cildinizde olabilecek tahrişi azaltırken, açık gözeneklerin kapanmasına da yardımcı olur. Tıraştan sonra yüzünüzü soğuk suyla yıkayarak ıslak cildinize uygulayınız.
- honing straight razors
Lathering Tutorial - How to lather a shaving soap
dry method vs wet brush method
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