Saturday, May 20, 2017


  •    Ali Bıyıklı kalem tipi kantaşı, % 100 doğal, kurutulmuş kristal bir mineraldir. İçerisinde bulunan antiseptik mineral tuzlar sayesinde tıraş sonrası yüzünüzde meydana gelebilecek kesik ve yaralanmaların kapanmasına yardımcı olur. Tıraşınız sonrası ıslak cildinize uygulayabilirsiniz.,PR-124.html
  •    Dry the razor. Run a square of toilet paper between the scales of the handle to remove the droplets of moisture that are trapped there. (Most old razors are high carbon steel and will rust).
Strop the razor with a leather strop. After stropping, apply blade oil to protect the blade from moisture damage and rust.
Rinse the brush, shake out the excess moisture, and hang it upside-down in a brush holder to dry.
  • Created due to health concerns from professional barbers using the same razor on several men. These consist of 1/2 of a standard double-edged safety razor blade mounted in a clamping mechanism attached to a handle that allows the blade to rotate into the handle just like a straight razor. In a lot of areas, health laws require the blade to be discarded after each shave and a new one installed. Of course, in your own home, you can do as you wish. These are sort of like the best of both worlds between straight razors, and safety razors. They shave just like a straight razor, but you never have to strop or hone them, making the learning process a bit easier for newbies. A blade will usually last for 5-8 shaves. They are also more convenient when traveling, since you don’t have to find a place to hang a strop

Stropping and honing can seem a bit intimidating at first, but it’s not as bad as it appears. All you are doing when you strop is straightening the edge to get a clean cut. The edge becomes bent as you shave, and this has the effect of ‘dulling’ the blade. As opposed to actual sharpening, no metal is removed from the blade.

  • The Hone. When you look at a razor’s edge under a microscope, you’ll see that it’s composed of several points that resemble saw teeth
When a razor becomes dull, these teeth are irregular and point in different directions. Honing a blade restores these teeth to their original condition.
Honing a blade restores these teeth to their original condition.

Stropping your blade smooths the rough edges off your blade and sets those teeth in perfect alignment. This gives your straight razor that keen edge that makes shaving a breeze.
  1.     Ali Bıyıklı cilt şapları, potasyum alüminyum sülfat denilen ve antiseptik özellikler içeren cilt dostu doğal kristal küplerdir. Tıraş sonrası cildinizde olabilecek tahrişi azaltırken, açık gözeneklerin kapanmasına da yardımcı olur. Tıraştan sonra yüzünüzü soğuk suyla yıkayarak ıslak cildinize uygulayınız.,PR-118.html

  • honing straight razors 

Lathering Tutorial - How to lather a shaving soap
dry method vs wet brush method

coffee filters

  • Metal filters

Reusable metal filters simply are not fine enough to catch everything that is poured into them, meaning they let important elements through the filter and into the cup, such as oils and micro-fines.

Coffee has also been accused of raising cholesterol. Specifically, it's said to raise LDL, "the harmful type of cholesterol," says NBC News' Merritt McKinney. However, it's the oils that sneak through metal filters that are truly to blame.

Micro-fines are tiny granules of coffee that are small enough to slip through the holes of the filter, which give the cup a darker, more cloudy appearance. They also make the flavor of the cup more rich and bold, like coffee brewed in a French press, and settle at the bottom of the cup, leaving a bit of sediment (also like French press coffee).

    Metal filters can save you money in the long run, but are a bit more difficult to clean.
    Paper filters cost more over time, but are practically mess-free.
    Metal filters produce a more robust and visually darker cup of coffee, which contains more oils and sometimes small amounts of sediment.
    Paper filters produce a brighter, sweeter cup of coffee with little or no sediment or oils, helping cut out the bad cholesterol found in coffee.

  • According to Harvard Health Publications, paper filters are more effective at eliminating diterpenes than permanent or cloth filters.

Other Uses for Filters
"Real Simple" suggests using clean paper coffee filters to clean windows and mirrors for a lint-free finish, and as spacers between fine china to prevent scratches. You can also poke a hole through a coffee filter and slide it onto a popsicle stick or ice-cream cone to prevent messy drips. In the kitchen, use coffee filters to strain wine when a cork has broken into the bottle.

 we’re talking about size 4 cone-shaped permanent filters.  What does the “4” represent?  Just the size of the filter, which is a standard size.

If you are using a paper filter, you should at least rinse it out before using it, just to wash away the dust that can get into your coffee that sticks to the paper

  • 12 Health Benefits of Coffee

    Coffee boosts your physical performance. Have a cup of black coffee about an hour before workout and your performance can improve by 11-12%. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your blood. Adrenaline is your body’s “fight or flight” hormone which helps you to prepare for physical exertion
    Coffee may help you lose weight. Coffee contains magnesium and potassium, which helps the human body use insulin, regulating blood sugar levels and reducing your craving for sugary treats and snacks.

    Coffee helps you burn fat. Caffeine helps fat cells break down body fat and use it as fuel for training.

    Coffee helps you focus and stay alert. Moderate caffeine intake, 1-6 cups a day, helps you focus and improves your mental alertness.

    Coffee reduces risk of stroke. Reasonable consumption of coffee (2–4 cups a day) is associated with lower risk of stroke.

    Coffee protects your body. Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants, that work as little warriors fighting and protecting against free radicals within your body.

  • Regarding taste the coffee could taste a little less rich with paper filters because it won’t allow the coffee oils through the filter. Since taste is subjective you could see this as an advantage. Some others prefer stronger, full-bodied flavors and thus probably tend to permanent filter

  •  Paper filters are the most common and best way to brew coffee utilizing the drip method
 Paper filters do the most thorough job in removing particulates and thus effectively trap bitter sediments for a smoother less bitter cup of coffee
 In addition, paper filters allow you to use any type of grind while permanent filters require courser grinds.

Finer grind coffees have a larger surface area exposed to the water so it provides a richer cup of coffee.

Potentially Healthier -- Scientific studies have indicated that paper coffee filters play a crucial role in eliminating the cholesterol raising factor of coffee. Permanent filters, on the other hand, allow the cholesterol raising oils to filter into the cup.

Environmentally Friendlier-- Paper filters are 100% biodegradable while permanent filters are not.

Cone Vs. Basket
The shape of the filter that you need to use is dictated by the shape of the filter holder within your coffeemaker.  There are two different shapes of holders/filters: Cone (round top gradually tapering down to the bottom) and Basket (circular holder/filter with a flat bottom).

In general, cone shaped holders with cone shaped filters are recommended as the design ensures optimal coffee saturation and extraction versus basket shaped holders/filters

#1 Size Filter: Fits 1 cup electric cone coffeemakers

#2 Size Filter: Fits 2 to 6 cup electric and 1 cup pour-over cone coffeemakers

#4 Size Filter: Fits 8 to 12 cup cone coffeemakers

#6 Size Filter: Fits 10 cup pour-over cone coffeemakers

Paper filters also allow you to use any type of grind while permanent filters require coarser grinds
Other benefits of paper filters versus permanent filters include easier clean-up, more sanitary, and more environmentally friendly. In addition, studies have indicated that paper filters play a crucial role in eliminating cholesterol-raising factors from coffee.

Alternative Uses for Coffee Filters
Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in microwave.
Clean windows and mirrors - Sparkling shine without the lint.
Filter broken cork from wine by pouring the wine through a coffee filter to remove broken cork pieces.
Recycle frying oil by straining oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.
Weigh chopped foods.  Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.
Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to stop the soil from leaking out.
Snack holder - Use to hold servings of popcorn, pretzels etc.

  •  Ist turns out, it’s all to do with those crimped edges of the filters. Yes, they really are there for a reason – not just to look pretty.

By turning folding these edges over, the filter has extra support when in the machine, meaning it won’t burst when it brews your coffee.

The different types of paper:

    Natural brown : In its natural form, all paper is brown colored, so brown filters are completely unprocessed. Other than aesthetics and processing, there are no other differences in color.
    White : White paper filters are processed to get that clean, white shade. Chlorine bleaching or natural oxygen bleaching are common methods for whitening paper. Generally, better quality paper ones do not use chlorine bleach.
    Bamboo : Bamboo fibers can also be used. Bamboo is a naturally renewing resource that grows much more quickly than the type of tree used for paper pulp.
    Permanent Filters
        Gold toned : Gold plated filters are made out of stainless steel with gold plating. Especially good-quality gold versions are available plated with real 23-carat gold. The metal mesh lets in very small particles of coffee grounds to the finished product. The oils in the coffee remain, adding additional flavor.
    Nylon : Nylon coffee filters are made of the synthetic fabric. They are lower in price and quality when compared to the metal permanent option, and can give off an acidic taste over time.
    Cloth Filters

Cloth filters are made of natural cotton, hemp, or muslin fabric. The pores on cotton filters are slightly larger than those on paper filters and smaller than the pores on permanent ones

There are many different sizes available, depending on how much coffee you want to make. Cone filters come in sizes 1, 2, 4, and 6; larger filters for coffee makers are sized to make 4-6 cups or 8-12 cups.
  •     Depending on the coffeemaker's manufacturer, a cone filter is shaped with a large, round opening that narrows down into a point. This filter type is commonly used with a drip coffeemaker. Hot water drips down into a coffee-filled filter. The hot water moves through the coffee grounds and eventually drips out of the coffeemaker as coffee.
    Number 2 size filters work with electric coffeemakers equipped with four to six cups
    Number 2 size filters work two-cup non-electric makers.
    Number 4 size filters fit electric coffeemakers with eight to 12-cup capacities.
    Number 6 size filters work with 10-cup non-electric coffeemakers.
    Shape Benefits
        The cone shape contributes to quality cups of coffee. Coffee concentrates down at the filter's narrow point. The coffee's density creates more movement from the dripped water across the coffee's surface area. More water saturates through the coffee grounds, as opposed to just slipping in between the individual grounds. As a result, coffee drips downward with more flavor absorbed from the grounds.